
How do I clean my board?

- Remove any larger pieces of food then gently wash with a small amount of warm, soapy water. Do not submerge in water or use any kind of scouring pad. When clean simply towel dry. Do not clean your board in the dishwasher.

How often should I oil or wax my board?

- This can vary on many things as your board is made from natural products. Mainly the temperature and humidity in your house and how often you use and wash your board are going to be the main determining factors. As a rule of thumb, if your board feels a little dry to the touch a new coat of oil will not do any harm. About once a month works well. Also any time you just want the board to look rejuvenated , a quick application of oil or wax the night before will work.

-Only use a food safe cutting board oil, never cooking or olive oil. Walrus Oil, Rubio Monocoat or Odie's Oil products are recommended.

-If your board is deeply damaged please use the contact form to enquire about refinishing services.